Prevent crew- and crane breakdowns

Digital preventive maintenance solutions are big in several industries, and the upside is real for both businesses and technicians. Now, ports can also get in on the game.

Too much of a good thing

The risks of under-lubricating heavy machinery should be apparent to most people with some technical insight. Over-lubrication, on the other hand, is an often overlooked but equally costly issue.


For any port or harbor, maintaining port cranes is a time-consuming task with a large margin for error. But now, the game changes.

Time to maintain smarter: Hove Smart Lube has landed

Today, lubrication of mechanical bearings enters the 21st century. Meet Hove Smart Lube

New Look, New Website

When you’re the leading player in an industry, you better look the part. That’s why we decided to update our visual identity and our website. We hope you like it; please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

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