Hove Smart Lube is a field-proven digital solution. Plug it into your operations, get full traceability and maintain control of everything linked to lubrication.

Hove Smart Lube gives you…

Real-time tracking and full traceability

Minimize paperwork and support analytical, data-driven maintenance with easy-to-pull data.

Correct lubrication and reduced footprint

Minimize lubrication usage and increase bearing lifetime with a more accurate lubrication service.

Clear overview and documentation

Ensure all documentation is complete, accurate, and unified in one simple overview.

Easy implementation and handling

Get a solution that is easy to implement, integrate and use for technicians and managers.

How Hove Smart Lube can help you

What type of role or organization do you represent?

Easy to implement, easy to use

Implementing Hove Smart Lube follows three easy steps.

1. Open the Hove Portal web-version on your computer

Once you signed up, you will receive an email with all needed information. Go to the Portal, sign in using the credentials as in the email and you are done!

2. Attach the Hove Smart Lube QR-code stickers to your equipment

Technicians can either do this themselves, or Hove can prepare all your equipment for you!

3. Take your Hove Smart Lube scanner, your Hove grease pump and Hove cartridges and start your lubrication round

When everything is set-up correctly, the Hove Lubrication system works seamlessly in all conditions and with all your equipment!

The Hove Smart Lube is intuitive to handle and easy to use. No special training is needed for the Technicians nor the Office. A short introduction either by instruction videos or performed live on-line is enough to get the most out of your system!

A field-proven solution from the market leaders

Hove A/S is the leading developer and producer of advanced solutions for lubricating mechanical bearings, primarily within the wind turbine industry.

Hove Smart Lube is developed at and with wind farms to ensure the solution serves its purpose and works under all conditions.

Ready to order?

Do you already know, which Hove product you need for your business? Then reach out to your local dealer.

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