Hove commences Hove Smart Lube trial period with German energy company EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG. 

The trial kit includes hardware and software, as well as personnel training as befitting to one wind farm and 10 wind turbines.  

Hove commences Hove Smart Lube field test with the Spanish energy company ACCIONA Energía.

The field test takes place at ACCIONA Energía’s El Cabrito Windfarm in Cadiz, Spain. The collaboration came about at WindEnergy Hamburg in October 2022.

Hove commences Hove Smart Lube trial period with one of the biggest port terminal operators in the world.

Hove provides the equipment, materials, and technical assistance for this trial period.

Hove Americas enters into a framework agreement of over DKK 500,000 with an American energy company. 

This framework agreement covers 2023 supplies, and is above DKK 500,000.

HOVE lands new flushing development deal with large wind turbine OEM

Peter Elm Nielsen, Engineer at Hove, and project lead, working on the modified Hove One Pump. The project will run over several months in 2022.

HOVE develops method for switching lubrication type.

Hove India wins first order of 495,000 INR

Hove India, a subsidiary of Hove A/S (Denmark), is off to a good start, and has secured its first order for the delivery of grease cartridges to a global wind turbine manufacturer.

HOVE fulfills $125.000 US order – reacts to customer request for early delivery

A US based wind power developer and operator has recently finalized their largest installation to date and elected to continue their usage of Hove solutions.


Aerial view of three wind turbines in the early morning fog at sunrise in the English countryside

Do you want to know more about the importance of greasing, maintenance and our lubrication systems? Read out article in the WorldWind Technology: Issue One (p.44-45)

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